About Anton

Who is your familycoach?

My name is Anton Hoogendoorn. I live in Amsterdam, work since 30 years in the field of family therapy, and am father of a fantastic 12 year old daughter. Originally counselor in youth care, I mentored children of all ages. For the emergency service of Child Welfare I supported many families in urgent emergencies. Also I guided families in the context of a verdict by the juvenile court. Before I focussed entirely on my own company, I worked as senior family counselor in Amsterdam. Furthermore I am registered contextual family therapist, and lecture at schools for psychology and social studies.

What characterises the family therapy I offer?

I am easy-going in the contact I make with children and parents. I shine a light on the positive and beauty of all members of a family, as well as on where it hurts in a family. My therapy can be characterised by an honest, direct no-nonsense attitude. With humor, respect and putting things in perspective.

I believe that everything that you do, you do with a reason, because otherwise you wouldn’t do it. This is true for both parents and kids. Only: when your head is troubled you consider things too clouded to be able to see clearly. You’re stuck in the way you handle your life.

My job is to point out to parents and their children what they do and what they’d rather do. While working with your family I see and hear every family member. I pay attention both to what works for you, and to what’s not working or hurts. Without avoiding difficult topics I tell you what I see and hear. During my family therapy there will be laughter as well as tears. Because you will be faced with your own mirror I hold to you. Through this your family can grow to a happier situation.

On what is my family therapy based?

The family therapy I offer is based on many years of workexperience, well developped intuition, and practice based and evidence based methods, education and training which I followed and gained the passed twenty years.

The most relevant methods in my family therapy:

Crisis: chance or danger, a method in crisis interventionFamilies First: Coaching in families
Andrew Turnell: Signs of Safety
Working in Solutions
Agression training
Leren over Leven: Contextual therapy
AIT: Video Interaction Therapy
Non-violent Resistence in families
Eigen Kracht Conference